Because we Care


The Pre-Primary Years

The Initial years are the most significant ones in shapping a child's physical, emotional, cognitive and social development. Our Curriculum and Activities fro Pre-Primary section ensures all these aspects are addressed.

  • NurseryTimings : 9.00 am to 12.00 noon. Age Criteria : 3 years to 4 years 5 months and 30 days. It has a separate indoor play area fully equipped with toys, learning aids and apparatus to help the little children develop their motor skills. Daily activities are conducted with aim of enhancing their finger movements and improve hand-eye cordination
  • Lower kindergartenTimings : 9.00 am to 12.00 noon. Age Criteria : 4 years to 5 years 5 monts and 30 days. The Curriculum is designed to channelize a child's natural inquisitiveness to question, discover, investigate and participate in his immediate environment. We ensure a safe and comfortable atmosphere where each child is given individual attention, care and security.
  • Upper kindergartenTimings : 9.00 am to 12.00 noon. Age Criteria : 5 years to 6 years 5 monts and 30 days. This is the year for the small children before they move on the actual academic life. The Curriculum includes Phonetics, Reading and Writing Skills, Number Work, Environmental Studies and Hindi